Tango.info news 2013-08-20

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Tango.info CTA CD documentation - 4939 tracks

Since at least 2006 tango.info is documenting the Club Tango Argentino CD collection. Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20060613230852/http://eng.tango.info/discs/?col=Club+Tango+Argentino

A listing can be found via: https://tango.info/products/?col=Club+Tango+Argentino

To the knowledge of tango.info there is no other music database with public access in the internet containing a larger quantity of CTA tracks than the tango.info music database.

Tango.info is happy about any help to add more images to the list, but they should not contain any additions like watermarks added to image file.

Tango.info CTA CD shopping help

There is a relatively new page documenting CTA CD distributors: https://tango.info/wiki/Club_Tango_Argentino_CD_distributors

Tango.info is happy to add further information to that page.

Tango.info is also checking possibilities to import CTA CDs from Japan to Berlin and then distribute further. But so far tango.info does not even have a complete list of what CTAs are available via the Club Tango Argentino and the known distributors.